Push-button Automated Lab Updates with GitOps with GitLab CI, Renovate, Ansible, Proxmox, and Podman
I started this post in April 2024 but never committed it to the repository. I’ve recently dug into K8s and am strongly considering migrating my lab over- so I figured I should finish this up as gitops upgrades for virtual machines has been reducing time I spend on updates for about 1 year. Reliability A core principle in my lab has always been reliability. Many design choices may appear outdated, inefficient, expensive, or bespoke, but are intentional in my desire to maintain reliability and simplicity in updates, backup restoration, availability, and ongoing maintenance. There are a single points of failure (many, actually) but fixing them is trivial save for a full non-disk hardware failure, which I hope to better solve with K8s and ceph (or OpenEBS- TBD). ...